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Payment methods
The payment method you choose is the last step of the order placement, after completing the delivery address and buyer data.
If you've chosen a specific payment method and for one reason or another it did not work, you can change your payment method by choosing another.
Payment methods are:
Credit card
The most used method of payment is by bank card, with both debit and credit cards accepted. You will fill in the card data on a secure form. Cards are accepted in dollars, euro or any other currency, the payment amount being automatically converted into LEI at the time of payment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, JCB, DinersClub. Your card data is in SAFE, they are not stored on our servers.
You can choose this method if you have a PayPal account or if you want to pay with the card through the PayPal interface. There is the possibility that certain cards (especially those issued outside of Romania) may not be accepted through our card payment interface, in which case we recommend REINFORCING PAYMENT PAYMENT CARD ON THE CARD.
This method is not commonly accepted, but in exceptional cases you can opt for cash. Please contact us before placing the order if you want to pay cash.